books we
BRING with us.
Books enable truth, beauty, and lived experience to be shared through time and space. They stick around; they stick with us.
June Road Press aims to make books that guide and enrich, that transport and inspire, that help us slow down to better engage with each other, the natural world, and the landscapes of our lives. We want these to be timely and timeless: works of broad and lasting resonance that also speak in singular ways to the present moment.
We think of our books as artisanal products in an increasingly mechanized world—authentic and finely crafted things to keep, share, and revisit. Each one is a meaningful object and an original journey, leading readers to new places of connection, understanding, and discovery.
We currently publish two full-length poetry collections a year, in the fall, with an emphasis on debut or emerging writers and the voices and experiences of women.
See how our books have been recognized and honored so far.

What sets us apart? Quality, for one, with a copy editor at the wheel. This is what drives the press: precision and care, attention to the smallest details, a discerning eye and ear, a deep investment in the creative partnership between author and editor—and, of course, a lifelong love of books.
The book that subtly changed the way you see. The book that stays on your shelf from move to move. The book that put you in another person’s shoes or took you on a wild trip or made you feel more free. The book you still think about a few years down the road. That’s the company we aim to keep.

Sara June Arnold has twenty years of wide-ranging editorial, design, and production experience. She began her career in educational publishing in the Boston area and went on to manage and edit university publications in Southern California. For the past decade, she has operated as a versatile freelance copy and line editor, based primarily outside Philadelphia, where she lives with her husband, an environmental scientist, and one charismatic and beloved senior cat. She is a graduate of Williams College and has an M.A. from Middlebury’s Bread Loaf School of English. She founded June Road Press in 2020.
Jenny L. Dodson
Diane Wilder
Kate Danser
Please note that we do not have any employment or internship opportunities available at this time.
Website, photography, social media, and book design by Sara Arnold unless otherwise credited.
We’re honored to have received a Small Press Future Fund grant from CLMP and the Mellon Foundation to partially support operations in 2025.
Follow us on instagram.

Our books may be purchased directly from our shop or from our distribution partner since the closure of SPD, Asterism Books.
Bookstores and libraries wishing to order at a standard discount may do so through Asterism (also the best channel for international orders) or by contacting us via the bookstore/wholesale order inquiry form on our Contact page.
For a review copy or information about course adoption, please see the form on our Contact page.
For media and other inquiries, contact Sara Arnold at editor@juneroadpress.com.
June Road Press does a lot with a little, and contributions of any size go a long way. Consider helping us create good books and get them out into the world by making a modest donation.